Saturday 11 June 2011

Gems of Wisdom 11.06.2011

  • When I observe my thoughts, I observe that slowly the speed of thoughts reduce. This stillness gives me space to experience my true inner self.
  • Action is eternal; it cannot be escaped. When I choose to do ONLY what is right, I enjoy the freedom of karma; my mind is free of all bondages.
  • When I view this world as a 'DramaStage', then whatever happens seem accurate to me as part of role defined for that person. So I stabilize in peace at all times.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Gems of Wisdom 08.06.2011

  • Love means to take all responsibilities and act like a trustee. Then we do everything without disturbing mental peace.
  • Mind gets easily influenced by the inputs of the senses. If I start seeing from the eyes wearing glasses of positivity, I would see solution hidden amidst every problem.
  • Still waters show a clear reflection. Be still and calm inside & it would be easy to check the actions and be on track. So we become a 'Mirror' for others too.
  • Wisdom reflects itself through actions. When I gain knowledge, I become an embodiment of its learning, hence my actions are righteous, displaying wisdom.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Gems of Wisdom - Anger Free Living

  • Perceive 'ANGER' as 'D-Anger' represented by skull & bones. Choose wisely to be humane in actions and you will always be cool in behavior.
  • When I heartily accept my decisions, then no matter what the outcome is, I stand by it & always remain in control of my emotions acting 'anger-free.'
  • When I free myself of discrimination and accept each one with love, I understand the underlying causes for their mistakes and help them correct. This understanding gives me control over anger.